Sunday, 17 June 2012

New rights - off Target

I was in Target yesterday morning buying socks. I looked up at the checkout
to discover, or rather Target revealed its discovery to me, a brand new
right, apparently possessed by all Australians. It said (and I kid you not):

"Everyone in Australia
has the right to look good
and feel good about the
way they dress and live.

At Target, we aim to make this achievable
with stylish, fashionable clothing and
homewares accessible to everyone."

God bless their souls. 

How pleasing to have a new right to toss into the sack besides all those other newly discovered ones. Standing at that checkout I felt empowered. I felt like nodding, pumping my fist, like a rocker to a Bruce Springsteen anthem.

How far beyond Targets marketing office will this new right go? Will Clover
Moore get on board? Will Channel 7's Sunrise and Marie Claire (see earlier post)?  Does it apply at Christmas Island? Will it change the lives of the homeless? Can they now stroll into Target to exercise their right as Australians? Would Target be precluded from prosecuting these thieves on the basis of that they were only exercising a right Target itself promotes as being inalienable to all Australians?

If only all those nonesense rights went no further than the wall behind Target's checkout.

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